Comparison between Kobo Elipsa 2E and Bigme InkNote Color
Find out which is the best option between the Kobo Elipsa 2E and the Bigme InkNote Color. Compare features, price and unique functions. Read more here!
Find out which is the best option between the Kobo Elipsa 2E and the Bigme InkNote Color. Compare features, price and unique functions. Read more here!
Find out which is better between Kobo Elipsa 2E vs PocketBook InkPad X Pro. Screens, storage and features of both e-readers compared.
Discover the key differences between Kobo Sage and Meebook P78 Pro. In-depth comparison of features, benefits and which one is best for you.
Discover the best eReaders for reading manga in 2024. We show you colorful options and details about their technology to make the most of your comics.
Discover the key differences between Kindle and Kobo in 2024 to choose the best eReader. Screen, batteries, compatible formats and more in this comparison.
Kobo eReaders are very popular electronic reading devices, the second best sellers after the Kindle, and known for...
As you may already know, Kobo Plus is an online subscription service so that users can have access to...
Ereaders usually have a very long life if they are treated well, but despite this long life, there comes...
A few days ago Kobo presented its digital notebook, the Kobo Elipsa, and before the date on...
It has been known for several weeks that Kobo was behind the launch of a new device, something I personally took...
Digital reading lovers! We bring you news from the eReader world. It is becoming increasingly difficult to decide on a device...